Wednesday, 4 November 2015

"Old Pictures of Army Postings" ,"Kick Off events", "The Boys Trips", "Holidays; and "Cars"
I will still scan and update pictures when time permits.

Any "Kick Off Pictures" know my work e-mail address

All pictures are copyright unless I stole them off you

Updated 4th November 2015

13 Signal Regiment

Bravo Troop 

Mark Burridge and Pete Dennis
  John Walker
Pete Gilbert

Winners Inter_Regt 1983 (Nov-Dec) Bravo Troop
 Rear Left Pete Cooper, Brian Barnes (Int Corp), Nigel Crowther, Andy Chapman, Steve Bradley, Terry Rush, Willy McNaughton   Front Row Left  Brian Thompson, Nigel Watton, Reg Varney, Rich Maddock, Paul Dunn,

John,Nige,Glynn,Reg  on the Balcony

B Troop Trip 
Steve Shannon,Paul Dunn, Larry, Carl Davies

Augsburg Trip April 1984
Reg Varley, Nigel Crowther, Nige "Stumpy" Watton
E Troop (NI) SuperSoldier 83 winners  
Billy Chestnut,Tam Malley, Nigel Crowther, Dave, Jock Dengate

Cascade de Coo, Belgium, B Troop Camp 1982. Dave Chalmers, Glyn Howard, Tony (Foz) Foster, Nige Crowther, Mick (Frankie) Jones, Steve Shannon
 Cascade de Coo, Belgium, B Troop Camp 1982. Dave Chalmers, Glyn Howard, Tony (Foz) Foster, Nige Crowther, Mick (Frankie) Jones, Steve Shannon 

1 Sqn Summer Camp 1982 Grobbendonk Belgium.
 Taff Crook, Ron Mckeating, Nige Antonio, Bergy, Bob Thompson, Nigel Crowther, John Aspinall, Doc Holiday, Chalkey White, Dave Chalmers, Charlie Drake, Steve Shannon.

1 Sqn Summer Camp 1982 Grobbendonk Belgium

1 Sqn Summer Camp 1982 "Boat Race"

1 Sqn Summer Camp 1982. Col Curtis carted off with dislocated elbow. 

640 Signal Troop (EW)


640 Signal Troop Land in Hamburg June 1986

Nige, Billy, Sam

Checking that they have packed the "kitchen Sink"

Mitch, Billy, Sam
Warming up the Rovers Norway 1985

 640 Signal Troop (EW) Norway 1985, 300 miles inside the Arctic Circle Ex Anchor Express

Cpl Sam Street,  Lcpl Nigel Crowther Norway 1985

Air Deployment Testing

Communications & Security Group (UK) Garats Hay

Athletics Team 15th July 1981
Back Row Left to Right
Cpl Dave Cresswell, Sig Eppinger, Sgt Roy Raines, Sgt Holt, Sgt Eddie London, Sig Crowther, Lcpl Charles Osgrove
Front Row Left to Right
Sgt John Mortimer, Pte Alan Fraiser, Sig Rossenby, Sgt Ian Kirkpatric, Sgt Kent, Cpl Bower, WOII (QMSI) Brian Pyle


A1 Course 85

The pictures from the NAFFI have some Intelligence Corps photobombers!
The dodgy nightclub picture has a PTI hanger on!
Nev you are definitely   in two of these pictures , not sure what was going on with the socks though ?


AAC Harrogate

Rawson Sqn 79B (1st weeks photo)
Back Left Gould, Crowther  Front Left Tudge,Devlin, Wallace

Rawson Sqn, Intake 79B.
 Back Row: RCT's Barnes, Smith, Crowther, Gould, S. Matthews, Hassell, Stephens, Beveridge, House, Joiner, Williams, R. Matthews. Centre ROW: RCT's Greagsby, Lockley, Reilly, Devlin, Hodkinson, Massie, Greenwood, Ferguson, Goodman, Wilson, Tudge, Wallace, Illman. 
Front Row: AT LCPLS R. Taylor, R. Dodd, Capt J. Cornforth, R. Signals, SGT B.P. Matthews, Maj J.R.S Ovenden R.Signals, WO2 (SSM) B.Beadle, AT SGT M. Reed, AT LCPL I. McNelly, M. Jones, RCT Paterson
1979-1980 Tug-o-War Champions   
 Back Left   Doug Hassel, Vince Williams, Ray Matthews, Jimmy ?, Nigel Crowhter,
  Front Left  Cowplan, Drew Collins, Charile (Coach), Terrance Goodman, Gould.    

When Roller Boots took off 1980ish ,Chis, Nige, Mick,?

Chis Chiswell , Nige Crowther

AT/LCPL Crowther , AT Chris Baines
Ex Crusaider 1980, O'brien, Scouse Padden, Nigel Crowther

1 comment:

  1. Second photo "13 sigs", it's not "John Roberts" it's John Walker, brother of Don Walker. "Roller boots", it's Mick Purnell (RIP) and "AT Baines" is Chris Baines - me, "Taff" Fear Rawson 79c
